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Version: Legacy SeeSo

Eyedid(SeeSo) SDK


Eyedid(SeeSo) SDK is a library that calculates where the user is looking at on the screen in real time using RGB image from the camera.

All computation is done locally on the device.

What Eyedid(SeeSo) SDK provides


We define Gaze as the position where the user is looking at.

Eyedid(SeeSo) SDK provides Gaze in 2D screen coordinates (x, y).

Eye Movements

Eyedid(SeeSo) SDK classifies two types of Eye Movements:

  1. Fixation: When the user's gaze is focused on a specific position
  2. Saccade: When the user's gaze is moving from one point to another

What to prepare

License key

Before using Eyedid(SeeSo) SDK, you need to [generate a license key](\).

You can find more information about the license key here

Network connected environment

Because Eyedid(SeeSo) SDK requires authentication, network connected environment is required.


Eyedid(SeeSo) SDK requires image of the user from a camera as its input data.

For mobile devices, this can be frontal-camera. For laptops and desktops, if build-in camera is not available, extra hardware is required.

How Eyedid(SeeSo) SDK works


Step 1: Authentication

Eyedid(SeeSo) SDK validates the license key and check its match to the application information1.

If the authentication is successful, the Eyedid(SeeSo) Server will issue a session and the Eyedid(SeeSo) SDK will construct a GazeTracker instance.

Step 2: Frontal Face Image Capture

GazeTracker instance captures frontal face image to calculate 2D gaze points.

Step 3: Gaze & Eye Movement Calculation

GazeTracker instance executes pre-processing, image processing, and deep-learning computation on the captured image.

The calculated outputs (Gaze and Eye Movement) will be passed to your application through callbacks.


  1. Match to application information is only checked when a production key is used.